The Logic Behind Our Parent Seminars

Earlier this week I emailed all of our families about our upcoming Parent Seminar series. I shared the line-up of topics and speakers and encouraged our parents to sign up (so we can plan appropriately) and many of those forms have started coming back in. Today I want to take some time to explain the logic behind why we offer this special night, and why we are strongly encouraging you to take advantage of this parent resource. 

I readily admit that there are often times that when I arrive home, the last thing in the world that I want to do is get back out to attend an event. We all work hard and life moves quickly. Sometimes I just want to fall into my favorite chair and relax after a long day. I know this is a common battle that we face when scheduling something like Parent Seminars. The reason we do this is because we want to be a valuable resource to our families. You invest a lot of time and money in your child's education - obviously, it is important to you. It is also important for us to be a resource that helps parents as they navigate walking with their child through elementary school. There are things that we do that I like to call "value-added" pieces of being a part of the Brainerd Baptist School community, and this is certainly one of those.  I think we can all admit that the expectations of students have changed in the last twenty years. Our students are challenged to manage their school work, which looks different, as well as an ever increasing demand of extra curricular activities. It seems as though (and research would support) that we have accelerated so many experiences in life that our students face things quicker than they did years ago. 

When we created the Parent Seminars, the goal was simple - help our parents navigate some of the academic things that are happening in schools today that they did not necessarily experience when they were students. We have selected people who are experts in their areas to share some practical ideas with you that will help you as your navigate through the elementary years with your child. The topics vary from early elementary to helping you prepare for the middle school process and all things in between. (Click here to view a complete list of offerings

I know it is not easy to necessarily come back out to such an event, but I hope you will take advantage of this time. We have provided childcare for school aged children and are also offering volunteer hours for parents who attend. Each year there are parents who say, "We are so glad we came. We learned so much!" If you have never attended before, will you make plans now to join us? 

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