New Parent Information
School Day
Drop-off is between 8:00 - 8:15 AM. The school day starts at 8:15 AM for every grade. Students are dismissed at various times based on their grade level.
Dismissal Times
K2-K4 | 12:30 PM
K5 | 2:45 PM
1st - 2nd | 3:15 PM
3rd - 5th | 3:30 PM
Pickup Locations
K2 | Classroom
K3-2nd | Main entrance (Mayfair Ave)
3rd - 5th | Across from Garden (Brookfield Ave)
1/2 Day of School Dismissal Times
K2-K4 | 11:00 AM
K5 | 11:15 AM
1st - 5th | 11:30 AM
Contacting Teachers
Please contact your teacher via email. Their emails follow the format first initial, last name, An example of this is Bob Smith, You can also call the school office during the day and leave a message for the teacher. See the Faculty and Staff page for a list of our staff members.
Dress Code
Please see the student dress code.
Student grades (2nd - 5th) can be seen in Family Portal. You will need to have the same username and password you used to create the Family Portal account. At login you may be prompted for the district code which is “BBS-TN”. This is also where you can edit student/parent information. Click here to reset your password.
Lunch Program
Students can bring their lunch, or you can purchase a meal plan from the school. Parents can purchase an Annual Plan, Individual Meal Tickets, or Milk Tickets for their child(ren). You will find the links to purchase these items on the Lunch Program Page. The lunch menu is on the School Calendar, and it is also available for download on the Lunch Program Page.
School Calendar
The school calendar is used to keep parents aware of the “Day Number,” lunch menu, and important upcoming dates. The “Day Number” helps students know which extracurricular classes they will have that particular day. BBS is on a 6 day rotation. The school calendar can be found under Campus Life > School Calendar or with the School Calendar Link.
BBS uses technology to help students better understand what is being taught. One of the most important technological aspects to be aware of is Clever.
Clever - The single sign-on for students. At the beginning of the school year, students will be given a QR code, no username or password. This QR code is used to sign students into Clever. Once students are inside Clever, they can access many different applications/websites. Clever is available in the Apple App Store, and it is also available via a web browser ( PLEASE watch this video about Clever to learn more.
Accelerated Reader (AR) - Teachers and students often refer to Accelerated Reader as AR. AR is a website for students to take quizzes on the books that they have read. AR is accessed through Clever. This document will help explain how to use it. AR is only for students in K5 - 5th grade.
Notes Home - Every Friday, we send out an email containing links for our weekly news and each grade level’s overview. These links take you to the appropriate webpage to view your child’s assignments and upcoming events. These pages can also be found under Academics & Activities. School-Wide News is available on the website. Please be sure to read these every week.
All student registration forms and health information are housed within Magnus Health Portal. It can be accessed through your Family Portal account and should be completed prior to the start of school. Please keep the information current if information changes during the school year. If you have medical concerns or questions, please contact our school nurse Rachel Adams (
How to Access Magnus
Go to Family Portal.
Enter your Family Portal credentials; our District Code is: BBS-TN.
Once in Family Portal, select Student > Medical.
From there, you can click the link to log into Magnus.
Before & After
School Care
Any child is eligible to attend Early Room (before school care) for free. Early Room starts at 7 AM and allows parents to drop their kids off before the official start of school. K3 and K4 students must be walked in by parents.
If a parent is running late, or can not pick up a child at the designated dismissal time, their student can go to After School Care (ASC). There is a charge for ASC. To check a child out of ASC, parents must use brightwheel (mobile app).
Quick Contact
School Office
Sean Corcoran (Head of School)
Angel Schrader (Assistant Head of School)
Christina Anliker (Secretary)
Rachel Adams (Nurse)
Michelle Richardson (Registrar)
Chris Shields (CFO)
Isaac Johnston (Technology)
Students need to be signed in/out of school in the main office by either a parent or guardian.
Please contact Chris Shields (
All of the teachers have a BBS email. Some teachers may share their phone number at their discretion. Please see the Contacting Teachers section.
Every Friday, we send home an email that has Notes Home. Please see the Technology section.
You can use Family Portal self-reset page or contact the school. Our district code is : BBS-TN.
Chapel is every Wednesday for grades 1st - 5th.