K3 | K4 | K5 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th
School-Wide News
March 15 - 28
March 17-21 - Spring Break
March 24 - School Resumes
March 26 - Spring Sports Pictures
March 28 - Classroom Pictures
April 4 - Grandparents’ Day (½ Day)
April 9 - Spring Individual Pictures
April 18 - Good Friday (No School)
April 21 - Travel Day (No School)
☀️Happy Spring Break!☀️
Grandparents’ Day
Grandparents’ Day is on Friday, April 4th, this year.
Event Schedule:
7:45 a.m. – Breakfast for students and grandparents at the BX. On this day, students typically arrive on campus with their grandparents. Transportation will be available between buildings for those who need assistance.
9:00 a.m. – Students should report to their classrooms. Grandparents can then head to the sanctuary to find seats.
9:15 a.m. – The program begins.
Following the program, students and grandparents can visit classrooms, explore the Art Show, and shop at the Book Fair!
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help before and during the event. If you're interested, please sign up below:
Art Show Volunteers – SIGN UP HERE
Book Fair Volunteers – SIGN UP HERE
Grandparents' Day Volunteers – SIGN UP HERE
Brainerd Baptist School Auction
Thank you so much to all who participated in our online and live auctions this year! With your generous support, we were not only able to meet, but surpass our goal! Plans are well underway to begin upgrades for our cafeteria.
HERE is the list showing all the winners of the "BBS items" in the auction.
Field Day
Field Day shirts are now available to order!
Order here
Sizes range from youth XS to adult 3X.
Each shirt is $18, and payment can be made directly through the order link.
To help with distribution, please include your name and your student’s name when placing an order. If ordering for multiple children, list the oldest child’s name and their homeroom teacher to ensure a smooth process. Shirts will be distributed the week of May 12th.
Order deadline: Wednesday, April 9
Lost and Found
Please be sure to check lost and found for missing sweatshirts, coats, gloves, etc. All items not claimed before Spring Break will be donated.
Brainerd Baptist Church Vacation Bible School
BBC would like to invite you to join them for VBS this year. VBS will be June 1-4 from 6:00-8:30pm at the Chattanooga Campus. It is for children who have completed Kindergarten (K5) - 5th grade. You can find more details and registration info here.