Back to School Prayer Time

We are busy preparing for students to arrive on campus three weeks from today. As I type, new floors are being completed in our K3 classrooms, new windows for our lower school are being delivered, painting is happening in our K4 and K5 rooms, new ceilings are being installed in our cafeteria, and our K3/K4 bathrooms are being completely remodeled. To add to the craziness that is happening in our lower school, a semi just pulled up to deliver a LOT of new furniture to classrooms that aren’t quite ready to receive that furniture! The point is simple - in all the craziness, it is easy to become so busy in preparation for things that must happen before the first day of class that we can overlook more important things.

We believe that prayer is crucial to our success. Our school has been blessed for decades by friends and families that uplift our school in daily prayer. Our teachers and administration have been praying over their class lists for several weeks now. On Tuesday, August 15, from 9 am to 12 pm, we are opening up our classrooms for a special time of prayer. Parents, grandparents, and friends are welcome to come into their child’s class and pray over their child (at their desk if you desire), the class, the teacher, and our school. This will be a special time when you can come and go as your schedule allows. There will be no formal program, just time and space provided to pray. We are expecting great things this year, and know that your prayers are vitally important in this pursuit.

Sean Corcoran