Auction Success

Here is our new bus that will be delivered in the next week.

Here is our new bus that will be delivered in the next week.

We are a few weeks removed from our annual auction, and I have some exciting news to share with our families. As was stated on the night of our auction, our goal was to raise enough money to purchase a new bus. Our friends at Brainerd Baptist Church have been very accommodating in letting the school use their motor coach (and other vehicles) for the last 24 years. The coach has served us well and we have been incredibly blessed to have such a nice mode of transportation for so long. As you can imagine, maintaining a bus this old has become a burden, because something always seems to need replaced. Additionally, a coach is substantially more expensive to maintain over a regular bus.
Back in 2017, we raised money to purchase a mini-bus for our summer camp and athletic programs to use. This has been a tremendous asset for us, but it can only hold 15 people, so it isn’t practical for field trips where an entire grade level needs to travel. We decided this year to begin working toward raising enough money for a new bus. The cost of a new bus is approximately $100,000. In previous years, our auction has raised around $55,000. Our hope was that our auction would continue it’s trend of raising additional funds for the school, and that money, coupled with money given to the school by Brainerd Baptist Church from selling the Prevost motor coach would allow us to purchase a new bus. I am happy to report that our auction raised almost $80,000! This money, along with money given to the school by Brainerd Baptist Church allowed us to order a new bus that should be delivered this week! Our 4th grade will be using the new bus to travel to Nashville and visit the state capital and our 1st graders will be using it to head to the Knoxville Zoo. As you can see, your student’s have a direct impact on your generosity. We want to once again say a heartfelt “Thank You” to our families for making this night such a success.

Sean Corcoran