Learning IS fun at BBS!

If you follow the school on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you may have noticed that we frequently use the hashtag “#learningisfunatbbs” when posting about the fun and creative things that our teachers do with students each day at BBS. We are convinced that students learn better when the process is active, engaging, and to simply put - fun. Learning activities that fit this description happen every day across all grade levels on our campus. This week our 3rd-5th grade teachers collaborated on a project that allowed all three grades to have a unique learning experience. I have asked 3rd grade teacher Jesse Robinson to talk about this experience below.

Glow Room Fun


How do teachers survive the exciting week of Halloween? They embrace the craziness and add to it! The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers decided to transform one of the unused rooms in the school into a Glow Room for the week. Each teacher would have the opportunity to use the room anyway they wanted to. We did this because we wanted to engage the students when all they are really thinking about is Halloween. We have now been in school for 12 weeks and the students can start to get a little bored with the same routine. We wanted to change it up a little and keep them excited about learning. I told my students on the Friday before that I "had something up my sleeve" for them to look forward to next week. It made them excited to find out what we would be doing.  The teachers met on Sunday to get the room ready. We put up black table clothes to make the room dark. We used fun star lights and black lights to make the room glow. There were glow balloons and we even put up spider webs to make the room pop. Each teacher added their own special touch to the room before their class entered. Each teacher also did a different lesson to go with the content they are teaching.  

The 3rd grade just finished a reading unit on Main Idea. We wanted the students to take what they used during our F & F time and use it outside their SPEC logs. The students had to find the main idea and supporting details of a few different passages that related to fall or Halloween. They also were given 6 main ideas with 18 supporting details. They had to match the supporting details with the correct main ideas. They worked hard to find the supporting details that went with the main ideas. The students were focused and working hard while we were in the glow room. They were excited about learning in a different environment. Some of the students came up to me and said thank you for doing this activity with us, that made my heart smile. To see the students engaged and excited in the learning process makes all the planning and time to put it together worth it. Learning truly IS FUN at BBS, but so is teaching!

Sean Corcoran