February Fitness Challenge

Rachel Adams, our school nurse, has done a phenomenal job of developing fun and creative ways to help our students focus on improving their health and their choices that they can make to help them have a healthy lifestyle. Last year, Mrs. Adams partnered with our PE program to develop a monthly fitness challenge in the month of February. This year, Mrs. Adams and Mr. Owens have developed another fun and challenging month to help our students focus on their health. Mr. Owens has written the following blog post to help our parents see all the fun ways they can be involved with this special challenge as well as a special calendar showing the days/events.

February Fitness Challenge

We hope that you will join in on this year’s fun by participating in the BBS February Fitness Challenge!

Here are the instructions for students who want to be entered into a raffle to choose a daily activity/game to play in PE class:

Follow our February Fitness calendar of exercises on the back of the page to complete this challenge. Each week that you complete all of the daily exercises, cut out the raffle ticket on the bottom of the page, fill out your name and teacher, and have it signed by your parents. Then, turn the ticket in to your homeroom teacher on the following Monday to be entered into the raffle drawing (to lead PE for one day). There will be 1 raffle winner per grade level that week, and the winner will be announced on the Tuesday morning announcements. If you complete the entire February Fitness Challenge, simply bring in the final “February Fitness Champion” raffle ticket to receive a special certificate.

Good Luck as you become BOBCAT STRONG!

Sean Corcoran