Health Week coming to BBS


Nurse Adams recently approached me about an idea to incorporate to have a week of school in which we specifically focus on living healthier lifestyles. I thought it was a great idea and asked her to further develop this. I am excited to share with you her thoughts and ideas for our students. The week of May 7-11 will be a time when we focus specifically on various health initiatives for our students. Our week will conclude with Field Day, which has long been a day of exercise and fun for our school community. 

Health Week by Rachel Adams

During these cold winter months, all the kids hear from me is, “Wash your hands!” or “Make sure to cover your cough!”  Being healthy is more than just not being sick.  I don’t want our students to define healthy as not sick or even associate it with diet and exercise.  Instead, I want healthy to be seen as fun and sustainable; I want it to become a way of life for them.  In January I began the campaign, “Get Caught Eating a Veggie!”  During lunch I roam the cafeteria with my camera to take pictures of kids eating vegetables.  After a few short weeks, I have kids running up to me with a veggie in hand hoping to get their picture taken.  They have huge grins on their faces and are excited to show off their healthy food.  This campaign will continue through the semester and lead into a full week focused on healthy living.  I hope you will get excited with me and join the fun.  Here is a sneak peak of a few things planned for the week:

  • Weekly Fig will provide fresh local foods for our students to enjoy. (
  • A parent seminar will be offered by life coach Michele Reneau of Weekly Fig on how to get your kids to eat vegetables.  Mark your calendars for May 10th @ 8:30 a.m.
  • The Juice Bar will be here with samples of fresh, healthy juice alternatives (
  • We will have challenges to complete at home to encourage your kids to think healthy wherever they are
  • The week will end with field day.

    We appreciate these local companies partnering with us to impact our students health in a positive way.  I hope you will take the time to learn more about them. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at




Sean Corcoran