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School-Wide News

2nd Grade Overview

January 18 - 24

MATH​: We will begin Unit 5. Unit 5 is designed to help students solidify their understanding of place value to 1,000. Using a variety of manipulatives, students will create and count bundles (or groups) in 10s and 100s. They will practice adding and subtracting in multiples of 10 and 100, both on and off the decade. The lessons on money will provide students with opportunities to count by 5 and 10 and consider 25 cents or a quarter as a unit. The final lessons encourage students to observe and describe sequences as they search for patterns and generalizations that will enable them to build and represent succeeding arrangements in those sequences. 

READING​: We will continue our unit on Main Idea. The Skills and Vocabulary Test will be on Wednesday, January 29. The Performance Test will be on Thursday, January 30. Study guides can be found in their folder/binder. 

SPELLING/PHONICS​: We will be working on List 19. The test will be on Friday, January 24. 

List 19: cradle, noodle, handle, middle, turtle, bottle, title, gentle, castle, wrestle, puzzle, drizzle

LANGUAGE/WRITING​: We will be working on identifying verb tenses. Writing will be working on using/identifying the parts of speech to make complete sentences.

SCIENCE: We will continue our unit on Animals.


We are in the cold months of winter. We will go outside every day unless “the feels like” temp is below 32 degrees. Please, make sure that your child has the proper outerwear.  


● Any jacket is allowed for outside wear.

● Only plain navy, gray, chambray (light) blue, royal blue, ice pink or black jackets may be worn in the classroom. Jackets do not need to have the BBS logo. Non-BBS logos should not be larger than a credit card.


● Plain white, chambray (light) blue, navy, maize, ice pink or gray sweaters and sweater vests. These do not need to be monogrammed with the official school logo.


● Navy or gray Brainerd Baptist School sweatshirts may be worn and must have the official school logo. Brainerd Baptist sweatshirts may be worn at any time but must have a uniform shirt underneath. Sweatpants are not allowed.

THANK YOU for reading the overview! Have a great week!