Regina Ateca, Academic Counselor

B.S. – Austin Peay State University
M.Ed. – Carson Newman University 

Mrs. Ateca has been dedicated to nurturing children at Brainerd Baptist since the fall of 2009. Her heartfelt passion lies in early childhood education, particularly in teaching young learners how to read. She is looking forward to her role at the Learning Center, where she will guide students with enthusiasm and care.

Mrs. Ateca lives by her life verse, Colossians 3:12: “Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” This verse shapes her approach to teaching and interacting with others every day.

Outside of Brainerd Baptist School, Mrs. Ateca cherishes moments spent with her family. She is happily married to Bob and is a proud parent to four children and granny to five grandchildren. Her faith is central to her life, and she attends Citizens of Heaven regularly to deepen her discipleship in Jesus Christ.