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School-Wide News
K4 Overview
January 25 - 31
Memory Verse: Mark 16:15; John 15:13
Unit: Mr. G; How is the Earth important to us?; The Earth, Our Home
Vocabulary Words: abundant, swirl, gooey, gloomy, disaster
Skill and Concept Emphasis: Appreciates that the Earth that God created provides what people need; matches initial sounds; recalls details; makes connections
Literature: The Earth and I; Gobble, Bubble
Math: Identifies and describes solid shapes
Coming Events:
February 5 - Teddy Bear Tea Party
February 12 - Valentine’s Party
February 13-17 - Winter Break
February 18 - School Resumes
Please remember the school policy regarding bringing sick children to school. Your child must be fever/vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school. If you have any questions about this, please look online at the school handbook, or contact the school nurse.
Your K4 team:
Ally Daniell - 509-9866
Joann Hellmann - 899-7486
Nicole Rojas - 280-0398