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School-Wide News

4th Grade Overview

March 8 - 14

Book Fair: April 1-4 

Tuesday 8:00-5:00  

Wednesday 8:00-5:00

Thursday 8:00-5:00

Friday(Grandparents’ Day) 8:00-12:00

Reading: We will continue our unit on Comparison. Your child will have nightly reading homework. Make sure to check their agendas for what pages they need to read each night. They will have sticky notes they can use to take notes too. 

Spelling: We will work on List 12 this week for spelling. The Spelling Choice Board will be due on Friday, March 28. The Spelling Test will be on Friday, March 28. 

ELA/Writing: In ELA, we have completed our verbs unit and are beginning our adjectives unit. We will have an open note verb test next week. In Writing, we have completed our hybrid animal informational reports and continue to work with Mrs. Gruner on the Inventor’s Showcase paper and presentation.

Math: We will begin Unit 5 on Geometry and Measurement. We will focus on angles, polygons, symmetry, area, and perimeter. Homework will be due Friday. 

Social Studies/Science: Students have done a good job on their rough drafts for the Inventors Showcase project. Final drafts are due on Tuesday, March 11th. Students should be working on their tri-fold boards and oral reports so they don’t have to do it over Spring Break.

Save the Date: 

March 28th - Classroom Picture Day

April 9th - Individual Spring Picture Day

April 10th - Nashville Field Trip 

May 19th - AR Party - Topgolf - 12:00-2:00