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School-Wide News

1st Grade Overview

March 1 - 7

Phonics: We will work on suffix es, diphthongs and spelling with ou & ow, and vowel pattern rules for vc|ccv & vcc|cv.

Assessment: Friday, March 7th

Spelling: Spelling list 17 test will be on Friday, March 7th.

way, try, such, part, glass, stuff, former, show, letter, barnyard, *sure, *they

  1. Jake left his backpack at school.

  2. His spelling list was in it.

Foundations and Frameworks: 

We will work on Predict and Justify for the month of March.

MATH: We will work on solving for the unknown value and measuring & comparing using penguins.

Assessment: Unit 6 - Wednesday, March 5th

SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Survival of Living Things, Responsible Citizenship, and North America. 

We will independently recite the Squirrel poem by Friday, March 7th.


Whisky, frisky, hippity, hop,

up he goes to the treetop.

Whirly, twirly, round and round,

down he scampers to the ground.

Furly, curly, what a tail!

Tall as a feather, broad as a sail!
Where’s his supper? In the shell.

Snappity, crackity- out it fell!


  1. Spring Break: 3/17-3/21

  2. School Resumes: 3/24

  3. Class Pictures: 3/28

  4. SAVE THE DATE for this field trip: April 25th to the Knoxville Zoo (all day) - parent drivers. 

  5. Please help your child unload their homework folder and allow them to read to you each night for 10-15 minutes. 

Snacks: No cookies, potato chips, or candy, please. Students may bring a small healthy snack to school each day. If you choose to send a snack, please send a nutritional snack that is quick and easy to eat. Students cannot use a refrigerator or a microwave for their snacks. Snacks are not a requirement; they are an option.