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School-Wide News
5th Grade Overview
January 18 - 24
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday: No School - Monday, January 20.
Girls’ Night Out - Friday, January 31: Calling all 5th grade girls, come out for dinner and stay for the FUN. We will be partying at Mrs. Gruner’s house from 6 to 9 PM. 272 Bass Road, Chattanooga. A flyer will be in next week’s Tuesday folder. RSVP to vcole@brainerdbaptist.org.
Boys’ Night Out - Friday, February 7: Calling all 5th grade boys, join Mr. G for a fun night of shenanigans from 6 to 9 PM (site TBA). Mr. Grisar will reach out to parents to arrange food.
Middle School Visits: You should be finishing out your middle school visits and be focusing on having all your application forms submitted, if you have not done so already. Please know that we are praying that God will guide you in placing them in the best school for them. Our Lord has great plans for them!
Coin Collection for Manderson Community Church: Keep sending in those coins for the church on the Lakota Indian Reservation in South Dakota. It will provide a much needed play area for community children and a gathering place for unchurched local families. Help them share the gospel of Jesus Christ! Send in your coins; we will begin counting soon!
F&F: Students will continue to study/learn Fact & Opinion. NO reading homework. Please be sure to review their vocabulary, process questions, & pattern statement. Students will also need to know how to draw/label the visual tool for testing (to be announced later).
English: In ELA, we will continue to work with verbs, focusing on action, linking, helping, and using progressive verbs. In Writing, we are finishing up opinion writing and introducing research and informational text writing.
Math: We will continue Unit 4 on multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals. Homework will be due on Friday.
Science/Social Studies: This week we saw how our nation changed in the early 1900’s and delved into the causes of WWI. We did a map activity to learn European countries. Next week we will delve into some battles of WWI, how the homefront was affected & the results of war.
Spelling: List 9 and its Activity Sheet will be placed in binders on Tuesday, January 21. The Activity Sheet is due on Wednesday, January 29. Test 8 is on Friday, January 31.