Amie Hanson, K2 Teacher

Amie was born and raised in Knoxville, TN. She moved to Chattanooga in 2010. She began at Brainerd Baptist as a K2 assistant in 2020 and then into the K2 teacher role the following school year. She has two daughters, Mollie Brooke and Raegan. Mollie Brooke is in 6th grade at Boyd Buchanan and Raegan attends BBS and is in 4th grade.

Amie enjoys going back home and spending time with her family, reading, and traveling anytime she gets the chance. She loves cheering on the Vols! She is currently finishing her Bachelor’s degree at UTC, majoring in Child and Family Studies.

One of her favorite Bible verses is 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished that we should be called God’s children